Saturday, August 30, 2008

No Longer Homeless!

So I have found a new place and am in the process of making my house a home. I am now residing on the nefarious north side of Zoo Town.  Nefarious? Really? Well, yeah, kinda...the second day of living at my new spot I found the welcome mat folded in if someone were letting me know they had been looking for the spare now T-Li is my Vince Clortho with the spare.
Currently I'm in Seattle retrieving the golden boy, Zeus Wayne, and hanging out with the fam-dam-lay.
 I won't have the internets at my place for at least another month until I figure out what my monthly finances are going to amount to.  But I will find a way to keep blogging! Also, T-Bird (Lord Birdamus) raised a very valid point....NardPants' blog is on fire and oh so interesting! Everybody keep reading about those ladies! I actually found myself laughing out loud at points while reading the most recent chapter.
More to come soon...


Nardpants said...

"you used Ghostbusters for evil!" but not really. Excellent post sir. I check your blog every day multiple times a day and was delighted to see this new post, it made my morning! I will direct the others ladies of our family to it...they too have been waiting with bated breath.
P.S. I'm the first comment! My celebration ceremony shall be long and glorious.

Anonymous said...

Guess I should be checking these blogs on the weekend!

Unfortunately there was no time during the day and no energy at night this whole weekend. Major moving-ness going on.

Glad to see that you are now homed, Big Walt.