Monday, September 22, 2008

Building it back one a time!

Well you guys, I feel like we're (our little blog) picking up steam and will soon be a force to be reckoned with! more people are starting to get active in their posting. However, sending me a text as a comment does not really count (unless its private), we're a community over here, and we should discuss things as such.

Kyle, I've got you taken care of, I mean hey, what's a best man for? I almost wrote BM, but then I realized it could be interpreted perversely an changed it. Also, how do you want it? In several cds, a playlist in my iPod, on a memory stick. Also, what are we talking about, more ballads or dance jams? Or some straight wedding gangsta music?

I'll have another post up soon, but I just wanted to acknowledge our growth, and respond to requests. The next post is about Griz Homecoming and meeting the govenor...and sandwhiches!
Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I think the venue is technologically stuck in the early/mid 90's, so CD's seems to be the proper course of action. For the music, we're (Alissa and I) are still concoting the during-wedding music,and the first dance song, but if you could create a fresh and lively mix to keep the reception bumpin for several hours, that would be great. Here are a few requests: several Commadores songs, including 'Fancy Dancer', 'Girl, I think the world about you', 'Lady (you bring me up); Marvin Gaye 'Too busy thinking about my baby', (any Marvin that strikes you as appropriate); Wilson Pickett 'In the Midnight hour'. I guess, you can probably tell, the musical theme is a 'motown/funk' theme. Not too psychadelic George Clinton, though. Some Al Green, some Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Isley Brothers (maybe not 'Between the Sheets', that's for after wards;)).
And for gangstaness, we definetly need to hear 'Beepers', and maybe a few discrete gangsterlicious choices.

Yeah. Yeah, that sounds reeeal nice.